2 ideas

Hey team. Your project and website are WONDERFUL

Just 2 thoughts from here:

1- I would love to have the date displayed on each podcast, visually. Like if i’m listening a podcast about $DRU or anything else, i want the context… Was it dropped yesterday, 2w ago ?

2- Fine tune project summaries for the social engagement. Like RJ Diana always say people are optimistic on the social network, enthusiast etc, because everyone is shilling, but that does not reflect the true sentiment. Like for $DRU atm, price decline is huge, social sentiment is very low, but since many people are trying to shill their bags it appears falsely as an enthusiastic community. Maybe weight more the negative posts, since they’ll always be outnumbered by shillers, to capture better a mix? $DRU account didnt post any tweet in 2 days which is also a reason of the sentiment and price going down, an unusual frequency of tweets of a project could appear in those summaries.

Kind regards !

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7 days ago


Alexis Airdrop

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