Hey Boss, can we migrate $Radio to $eth or some other chain?
This will make us much more visible and helps us to get rid off the blury are of pump.fun
Chiefizer 6 days ago
Project Decode
Hey Boss, can we migrate $Radio to $eth or some other chain?
This will make us much more visible and helps us to get rid off the blury are of pump.fun
Chiefizer 6 days ago
Project Decode
Time-Based Profile Summary
Enable users to request summaries of profile posts for specific timeframes using the syntax: @FomoRadioAi [timespan=1d] Available timespan options: 30m, 1h, 4h, 12h, 1d, 7d, 30d, ... Currently, Radio can summarize individual posts and threads, but profile-wide summaries for specific time periods are not available. This feature would serve two key purposes: Help users catch up on missed content from accounts they follow Provide quick overviews of new creators' content for discovery purposes The feature would enhance user experience by enabling efficient content consumption and creator evaluation through customizable time-based summaries. Additionally, since creators receive notifications when mentioned, this feature will naturally expand community engagement and awareness of the summarization service.
Reqer 6 days ago
Project Decode
Time-Based Profile Summary
Enable users to request summaries of profile posts for specific timeframes using the syntax: @FomoRadioAi [timespan=1d] Available timespan options: 30m, 1h, 4h, 12h, 1d, 7d, 30d, ... Currently, Radio can summarize individual posts and threads, but profile-wide summaries for specific time periods are not available. This feature would serve two key purposes: Help users catch up on missed content from accounts they follow Provide quick overviews of new creators' content for discovery purposes The feature would enhance user experience by enabling efficient content consumption and creator evaluation through customizable time-based summaries. Additionally, since creators receive notifications when mentioned, this feature will naturally expand community engagement and awareness of the summarization service.
Reqer 6 days ago
Project Decode
Ranking list
This is simple content but you could have top 10 lists videos on ai coins in 2024, cat coins in 2024. Those sort of videos could do well on tiktok. Top 10 coins this week with the most volume.
Cheese Toastie 6 days ago
Project Decode
Ranking list
This is simple content but you could have top 10 lists videos on ai coins in 2024, cat coins in 2024. Those sort of videos could do well on tiktok. Top 10 coins this week with the most volume.
Cheese Toastie 6 days ago
Project Decode
Idea on long form content and educating newcomers to crypto
I really like the daily market pulse podcasts. It might have been suggested before but I would listen to a long form version of this with all the podcasts released that day in one video Also radio is explaining what’s going on in current events with crypto, maybe it could have a section on the website that educates on the basics of crypto. A lot of late adopters trying to understand meme coins can learn the fundamentals
Cheese Toastie 6 days ago
Project Decode
Idea on long form content and educating newcomers to crypto
I really like the daily market pulse podcasts. It might have been suggested before but I would listen to a long form version of this with all the podcasts released that day in one video Also radio is explaining what’s going on in current events with crypto, maybe it could have a section on the website that educates on the basics of crypto. A lot of late adopters trying to understand meme coins can learn the fundamentals
Cheese Toastie 6 days ago
Project Decode
whitepaper video
I think it would be very beneficial for us to pin a video of the whitepaper being summarized on the twitter page for the new people who stumbled upon radio but aren’t sure about what it is.
thelaganster 7 days ago
Project Decode
whitepaper video
I think it would be very beneficial for us to pin a video of the whitepaper being summarized on the twitter page for the new people who stumbled upon radio but aren’t sure about what it is.
thelaganster 7 days ago
Project Decode
2 ideas
Hey team. Your project and website are WONDERFUL Just 2 thoughts from here: 1- I would love to have the date displayed on each podcast, visually. Like if i’m listening a podcast about $DRU or anything else, i want the context… Was it dropped yesterday, 2w ago ? 2- Fine tune project summaries for the social engagement. Like RJ Diana always say people are optimistic on the social network, enthusiast etc, because everyone is shilling, but that does not reflect the true sentiment. Like for $DRU atm, price decline is huge, social sentiment is very low, but since many people are trying to shill their bags it appears falsely as an enthusiastic community. Maybe weight more the negative posts, since they’ll always be outnumbered by shillers, to capture better a mix? $DRU account didnt post any tweet in 2 days which is also a reason of the sentiment and price going down, an unusual frequency of tweets of a project could appear in those summaries. Kind regards !
Alexis Airdrop 7 days ago
Project Decode
2 ideas
Hey team. Your project and website are WONDERFUL Just 2 thoughts from here: 1- I would love to have the date displayed on each podcast, visually. Like if i’m listening a podcast about $DRU or anything else, i want the context… Was it dropped yesterday, 2w ago ? 2- Fine tune project summaries for the social engagement. Like RJ Diana always say people are optimistic on the social network, enthusiast etc, because everyone is shilling, but that does not reflect the true sentiment. Like for $DRU atm, price decline is huge, social sentiment is very low, but since many people are trying to shill their bags it appears falsely as an enthusiastic community. Maybe weight more the negative posts, since they’ll always be outnumbered by shillers, to capture better a mix? $DRU account didnt post any tweet in 2 days which is also a reason of the sentiment and price going down, an unusual frequency of tweets of a project could appear in those summaries. Kind regards !
Alexis Airdrop 7 days ago
Project Decode
Trump news
And I think Trump news should be posted at least 3-4 times a day. Politics, Trump's crypto coins, laws passed, his friend Musk's tweets, etc. This is going to go viral from here. I also think the Trump show might attract more attention. It really cause a wow effect
Serg Liovin 17 days ago
Suggest New Show
Trump news
And I think Trump news should be posted at least 3-4 times a day. Politics, Trump's crypto coins, laws passed, his friend Musk's tweets, etc. This is going to go viral from here. I also think the Trump show might attract more attention. It really cause a wow effect
Serg Liovin 17 days ago
Suggest New Show
New idea
Hey guys we are all so tied up with the nightmare crypto world, why not have a “touch grass” in show? Talk about getting outside and unconnected from the space and technology for our mental and physical health.. Think it might be a good idea
Josh Boylen 17 days ago
Project Decode
New idea
Hey guys we are all so tied up with the nightmare crypto world, why not have a “touch grass” in show? Talk about getting outside and unconnected from the space and technology for our mental and physical health.. Think it might be a good idea
Josh Boylen 17 days ago
Project Decode